The Region B Council shall be the primary communications vehicle between the home medical equipment (HME) industry and the Medicare Contractor(s) for DME Claims and Services for Region (Jurisdiction) B.
The Council will accomplish this by establishing and maintaining strong relationships with the DME Contractor staff; meeting with the DME Contractor and CMS on a periodic basis; providing the communication tools to facilitate thorough and prompt transfer of information to, and from, each state association and the Region B Council; and coordinating issues within the industry to adequately reflect the concerns of the majority.
Disclaimer: This website is not a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or CGS Administrators, LLC website and is not sanctioned by them. While the Region B Council will strive to provide the most up to date information possible, in today's rapidly changing DME/HME environment, the Region B Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information being provided. The Region B Council Executive Committee, Administration and its members are not liable for any inaccuracies which may occur or for any losses which may result from information contained on this website.